Monday, September 6, 2010


This past weekend, we went camping!

It was the first time in about 7 years that we cleaned up the RV and went out to the great wild yonder. Well, sort of 'wild', but definitely 'yonder'.

Here is a pic of a motto that I found on a door mat. I just had to have it.

I wish I could live more simply...ahhhhhh! I already do a lot of stuff 'the hard way' as many of my friends and family put it. Hubby is 50% of this union. If I could have my druthers, I'd have NO TV, NO land phone (I'd have a cell for emergencies, though), NO electric, NO internet, etc. I hate noise and this stuff is just plain noisy to me anymore. I think I'm getting old and crotchety. Harumph!

Here is a pic of the inside of our little abode on wheels. This is the dining area. We spend most of our time here. This weekend this is where we ate, talked, played cards, read, napped. Our fold-up chairs are the lumps under the table.

We have a little kitchen, bed and teeny tiny toilet in the RV, too.

We had our usual campfire every night. We sat out under our canopy with our dogs and enjoyed the bountiful  peace and quiet.

Hubby was a little perturbed we didn't have a TV connection. I said 'YEAH!' No racing or golfing on the tube this weekend! Racing was on the radio, which I didn't mind too much.

I hope all of you had a really great Labor Day weekend.

1 comment:

  1. You have an RV! We have a vintage trailer. This weekend we're attending our first ever vintage trailer rally, at Lake Tahoe. Looking forward but a little bit anxious as we've no idea what to expect. I guess we'll play it by ear. :o)

