Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'm Making Hats

Here are some of them. They are made from scraps from projects I've completed.

Several weeks ago I read an article in the Sunday newspaper about a priest in Michigan who goes about town giving homeless people scarves, mittens and hot coffee. He is kind of like a watchman for these people. He keeps tabs on them to make sure they're doing OK.

I thought how selfless he was. He was helping people who really needed help. For many years I thought of doing this for the homeless, but on a grander scale. It was overwhelming to imagine all of the work my project would take. All of the space I'd need to accomplish this huge task. I actually feel I'm called to do something for less fortunate people. 

Then I saw this article. Same deal...smaller scale. Hmmm. I can do something small and help the most people. I reread the article and there was no mention of hats in there. So I made the green, beige and white one above. It was easy! It only took maybe 2 hours of time and some scraps I had laying around. Easy!!! Then I made another to be sure it worked. That's where the purple one came in. Then another purple. Then the purple and white. I'm just going and going between projects.

'Where do you find the time to crochet?', most of my friends ask. When I watch TV after chores and work. Saturdays and Sundays when I take my breaks between cleaning and cooking.

My goal is a hundred hats for the homeless. Local homeless. I know there is a need. I see homeless people in my town, every time I go to town. Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Brrrrrrrr!

Just wish me luck with this project. There is a need.

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